I just got back from Arizona where I had the opportunity to speak to 300 Student body Presidents and Exec. Officers. AASC http://www.stucoaz.org/is a wonderful organization and the student leaders of Arizona are doing amazing things for their schools!!! A cool ice breaker they played is called "Share Wear" I wanted to share the activity with you!
Share Wear
Each person walks around the room and introduces themselves to as many people as they can. When the facilitator says freeze or blows a whistle, each person finds a partner and begins to share about something they are wearing. It can be true or made up. For example, someone can say, “I got this shirt off Ebay and it was the shirt Brittney Spears wore during her Pepsi Commercial.” OR you can share something truthful, “This is a ring my mom gave me for my birthday and I have worn it for the past 4 years.” The other partner shares and rotations begin again. Fun, quick and easy way to mix of a group and break the ice—Thanks Dan and Jeff for the idea.
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