Wow, almost a whole month has gone by since my last entry and so many exciting things going on….
On March 31st I partnered with OCDE and Chapman University to put on the “First Annual OC Leadership AVID Conference.” It was absolutely wonderful and about 500 OC AVID freshmen (9 schools) attended the day of leadership.
The beginning of April I went to Houston, Texas (my first time there) for a Quantum Learning Network program and worked with an amazing group of facilitators and TL’s to make a difference in about 500 5th graders lives.
The book is coming along and I have been busy interviewing “Dream Leaders” and “Teen Leaders” to make this project come alive.
This weekend I get to spend Saturday afternoon with a group of 60 middle school students for their annual ASB Retreat and looking forward to that.
As for a leadership lesson (as promised), something that worked really well this month with my 7th grade leadership class was teaching parliamentary procedure via a super hero skit.
I received this skit at a conference and it is from the Washington Association of Student Councils Building Leaders for Life (
I wanted to share it with any Act. Directors looking to teach parliamentary procedure in a fun and memorable way…ENJOY!
Simply cut and paste this information into a word doc. and print for your class:
Parliamentary Procedure Skit
“The Super Heroes Get Organized”
from the Washington Association of Student Councils Building Leaders for Life
Characters: 15 parts (13 speaking + 2 voting only)
Wonder Woman
The Green Lantern
The Phantom
Green Arrow
Lex Luther
Kid Flash
Green Lantern: I’d like to call this meeting of the League of Super Heroes to order. (gavel) I’ve asked all of you to gather here today because Earth is facing the threat of destruction by the Ronan Armada from constellation Cassiopea. We must cast aside our differences and unite to save the Earth from total destruction!!!! First, I would suggest that we select a president to chair our organization. Nominations for president will now be accepted by the chair.
Robin: I think Batman should be president!!
Green Lantern: I’m sorry, Robin, but your comment is out of order…if you’d like to nominate Batman, you must do so by saying, “I nominate and his name.”
Robin: OK, OK, I nominate Batman.
Wonder Woman: I second Batman’s nomination!!! (GUSH)
Green Lantern: I’m sorry, Wonder Woman, but regardless of your personal feelings, a second is not necessary when nominating for an office.
Kid Flash: Uh…Oh Green Lantern…golly gee whiz, I’d like to nominate Terry Dactill!
Green Lantern: Sorry Kid Flash, but Terry is not a member of the League of Super Heroes, and is therefore not eligible to hold office.
Supergirl: I nominate Superman.
Superman: I nominate Supergirl.
Lex: I nominate the only man shrewd enough to outwit the aliens and tough enough to send them scurrying back into their holes…I nominate the Joker!!!
(Lex, the Joker and the Penguin all stand and cheer!!!)
G.L.: ORDER!!! ORDER!! (Raps gavel)
Spiderman: I make a motion that the nominations cease.
G.L.: I’m sorry Spidey…but the correct phraseology is “I move that.” Not “I make a motion that…”
Spiderman: Sorry G.L., I move that nominations cease.
G.L.: A motion to cease nominations requires a second…is there a second?
Aquaman: I second the motion.
G.L.: It has been moved and seconded that nominations cease.
Phantom: (interrupts): G.L., I don’t think we should cease the nominations…no one has nominated me yet!!
G.L.: ORDER!! ORDER!! Phantom, the motion to cease nominations is not debatable. All in favor of nominations ceasing, say “AYE.”
(Everyone except Aquaman, Phantom and Wonder Woman say, “AYE.”)
G.L.: Opposed the same.
(Aquaman, Phantom and Wonder Woman say, “AYE.”)
G.L.: A two thirds majority is required…so the motion carries.
Phantom: I call for a division of the house!
G.L.: A division of the house has been called for. All in…
Kid Flash: (interrupts) OOOH, Green Lantern, I mean, Mr. Chairman…I rise to a parliamentary inquiry of information…What’s a division of the house???
G.L.: A division of the house, Kid Flash, is where an actual hand count of votes must be made.
Kid Flash: OOOOH, that’s SOOOOO COOL, Green Lantern.
G.L.: OK…all in favor raise their hands. All opposed? A two thirds majority has been established and the motion carries. Now let’s vote for the office of president.
All in favor of Batman, raise your hand (Robin, Wonder Woman, Batman and Spiderman all raise hands).
All for Superman. (Green Arrow, Supergirl, and Aquaman raise hands)
All for Supergirl. (Superman raises hand)
All for the Joker. (Joker, Penguin, and Lex raise their hands)
It appears that we selected Batman as our new President. Batman, would you please assume the chair? (Batman assumes the chair)
Batman: The chair will not consider a motion to assign the problem of the Ronan Armada to committee.
Lex: I so move.
Batman: Is there a second?
Robin: Second the motion.
Batman: It has been moved and seconded that we refer the problem of the Ronan Armada to committee.
Aquaman: (interrupts) Mr. Chairman…I object to consideration of this motion!!!
Batman: An objection to consideration has been raised. A second is not required and this is not debatable. All in favor of this motion, vote “AYE” (only Superman, Spidey vote “AYE”). Those opposed to consideration vote “NAY” (everyone else votes “NAY”). The motion to consider fails by a two thirds majority…therefore, the motion will not be considered.
Joker: I move that we attempt to joint the aliens rather than fight them.
Lex: I second the motion.
Batman: It has been moved and seconded that we join the aliens rather than fight them…do we have any discussion?
Supergirl: (raises hand for recognition) I think that the Joker’s motion is repugnant, goes against everything we human beings stand for, and is ill considered.
Joker: (raises hand for recognition) For one thing, I resent Supergirl’s statement concerning the ill considered nature of my motion, and would simply point out that we humans do not stand a chance against the Armada…so why not join the winning team!?!
Batman: I’m sorry, Joker. While you’re entitled to your opinion, you’re not allowed by Robert Rules to make personal references to this body!!
Wonder Woman: Mr. Chairman…I rise to a point of personal privilege.
Batman: Yes, Wonder Woman…what is it?
Wonder Woman: Could the motion please be restated?
Batman: Yes. The motion states that “we attempt to join the aliens rather than fight them.”
Phantom: I move the previous question.
Batman: The previous question has been called and a second is required.
Wonder Woman: Mr. President, I don’t think we should vote yet!!
Batman: I’m sorry, Wonder Woman, but a motion to move the previous question is not debatable. All in favor say “AYE”… (everyone except Wonder Woman) Opposed… “NAY” by Wonder Woman.
Batman: The question has been successfully called…in the interest of clarity, the chair will request a roll call vote on the main motion as stated: “That we join the aliens rather than fight them.”
Superman Nay
Wonder Woman: Nay
Green Lantern: Nay
Phantom: Nay
Penguin: Aye
Batman: Nay
Joker: Aye
Aquaman: Nay
Supergirl: Nay
Batgirl: Nay
Robin: Nay
Spidey: Aye
Lex: Aye
Green Arrow: Nay
Kid Flash: I think we should all be friends, so I’m not voting Aye!!!
Batman: The motion fails 5-10. Do we have any other suggestions?
Spiderman: Mr. Chairman, I move that we surround the Earth with a giant spider web!!
Supergirl: Good idea, Spidey!! We could plant A-bombs on each cross thread, and…
Batman: I’m sorry, Supergirl, but no discussion is allowed on a motion until it is seconded. Is there a second?
Robin: I’ll second Spidey’s motion.
Batman: It has been moved and seconded that we surround the Earth with a spider web. Is there any discussion?
Kid Flash: Gee Batman…I don’t think we should…I mean what if the aliens have spent a lot of money on expensive designer bikes…I mean you might not even be able to ride around the neighborhood!!!
Phantom: I think it sounds like a pretty good idea. There’s not way they would get through!!
Lex: I’d like to move to amend Spiderman’s motion so that the words “will capture, but not injure the aliens” are added to it.
Batman: Is there a second?
Joker: I’ll second the amendment.
Batman: It has been moved and seconded that Spiderman’s motion be amended by adding the words “will capture, but not injure the aliens” – is there any discussion?? Seeing none…then let’s proceed to vote.
Aquaman: I move for unanimous consent.
Batman: Unanimous consent has been called…are there any objections? Hearing none, the amendment passes. Now we will consider the main motion as amended which now reads: We will surround the Earth with a giant spider web which will capture, but not injure the aliens. Do we have any discussion??
Wonder Woman: I’d like to move to postpone action on the motion indefinitely.
Batman: We have a motion to postpone the main motion indefinitely, is there a second? Hearing none…the motion to postpone dies. Is there further discussion on the motion as amended?
(Green Lantern and Aquaman are rudely talking about their last night’s dinner)
Robin (interrupts): Mr. Chairman, I rise to a question of personal privilege.
Batman: State your question of privilege, Robin.
Robin: With Green Lantern and Aquaman talking, I am unable to hear what is being said. I would ask that all those wishing to engage in conversation please feel free to do so by stepping out of the meeting room. THANK YOU!!
Batman: Is there further discussion on the ideas before us?
Lex: I move for unanimous consent.
Batman: Unanimous consent has been called…is there any objection?
Kid Flash: I object Batty Watty…I like it when I really get to vote better!!
Batman: There is an objection to unanimous consent…is there further discussion?? Hearing none, we will proceed to vote on the main motion as amended. All in favor: (everyone says “AYE”) Opposed…(silence). The motion carries!! (Hit gavel on table) It seems as if we should next address the specifics of setting up the web.
Phantom: I move we refer the matter to a committee and they report back with a recommendation tomorrow.
Aquaman: I second that motion.
Batman: It has been moved and seconded that we refer the specifics of application of the web to committee. Do we have any discussion?? Hearing none…I call for a vote.
Lex: (jumps up) Hold on Batman!! I rise to a point of order…I don’t think it is appropriate for you to ramrod this through like this…we need to have some chance to debate if we wish…
Batman: The chair rules that you are out of order, Lex…sit down, let’s proceed to vote.
Joker: Batman, I appeal from the decision of the chair. I think we deserve the right to discuss if we wish.
Lex: I second the appeal!
Batman: It has been moved and seconded to appeal from the decision of the chair. Is there any discussion? All in favor? (everyone says “AYE”) Opposed? (nothing). The floor is open for discussion…do we have any discussion on the motion to refer the matter to committee, Lex? Joker? (Lex and Joker shake their heads ‘no’). Alright, all in favor of the motion, say “AYE” (Everyone says “AYE”). Are there any other items to consider?
Superman: I’d like to talk about what we are gonna have for dinner and where we’re gonna go.
Batman: I’m sorry, Superman, but before we can do so, someone must place a motion on the floor or move to suspend the rules so we can have an open discussion.
Superman: I move that we suspend the rules for a discussion only of dinner.
Green Lantern: I second the motion.
Batman: It has been moved and seconded that we suspend the rules for a discussion of dinner.
Kid Flash: Oh Batty…I have a parliamentary inquiry…it sure sounds fun, but what does suspend the rules mean?
Batman: Kid Flash, that means that we will not follow parliamentary procedure, but we can discuss dinner without having to have a motion first. All in favor? (everyone says “AYE”) The rules have been suspended, so let’s talk about dinner.
Aquaman: I’d like to suggest Skippers, seafood is my favorite!!
Batgirl: I was thinking more along the lines of pate’ orthopateran.
Lex: Oh, let’s just get a burger.
Joker: Great idea, Lex! I heard McDonald’s is giving a discount on kid meals and we can all lie about our age and save a bundle.
Batman: ORDER!!! ORDER!!! It sounds as if we are not really going to resolve anything with the rules suspended. I’d like to entertain a motion to reimpose the rules.
Phantom: So moved!
Batman: Phantom has moved that we reimpose the rules. Do we have a second??
Lex: Second.
Batman: It has been moved and seconded that the rules be reimposed, all in favor?? (everyone says “AYE”)
Kid Flash: I move that we all fly to Seattle for dinner…it’s the “in-place” this year.
Batman: It has been moved and seconded that we eat dinner in Seattle. Do we have any discussion? Hearing none, all in favor say “AYE.” (everyone says “AYE”) The motion carries.
Kid Flash: Batty…I move that we recess until tomorrow..I mean I’m sure the aliens will understand and wait to attack us until we’ve had a decent meal!!
Wonder Woman: I’ll second that.
Batman: The motion to recess until tomorrow is not debatable…all in favor?? (Everyone says “AYE”) This meeting is recessed until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, at which time I would like to report from the web committee. MEETING ADJOURNED!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
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1 comment:
Jill, Thanks so much for posting this skit! I can hardly wait to try it out with my new and returning ASB members!
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