I just got back from a wonderful trip to Kenya. I went with a friend’s non-profit group to do volunteer work (a 2 day leadership program with teens), we went to orphanages and safari for 2 days. It was an incredible experience and opened my eyes to how blessed we are in the states.
The schools in Africa are like nothing in the USA. Our worst schools are still their best schools. One of the days we were in a school room with no air, a bird’s nest in the ceiling, over 75 kids (3-4 kids per small bench), no running water in the bathrooms and each kid had rice and beans for lunch. To top it off, they were so happy. I didn’t hear one complaint the whole day. They were so grateful for us teaching them. We gave each kid a book and they signed their name in it and said it was the first book they ever owned…talk about eager students.
The reason I wanted to go to Africa was because of this book called Life Safari. It is the idea of the Big 5. Not just the animals in Africa, but one’s personal Big 5 for life. The 5 things they want to do, see or experience in your life time. My friend John Strelecky wrote the book and continues to inspire millions around the world to reach for their Big 5 for life. You can check it out at
http://www.thelifesafari.com/ As you start the school year, consider your Big 5 for this year. What are the 5 things you want to do, teach, achieve or move towards? How can you share this idea and message with your friends and students?
Let’s help each other, feel free to post your Big 5 and see if we can connect people to each other.